Shows & Events
as of


9th Annual Moonlight Memories Car Show
Hatboro, PA July 28th, 2001

This is the PA East - SVOOA 'Hometown' show. While we do not have a formal club presence at the event, I'd like to encourage any interested SVO owners to come and enjoy what has proven to be a great time every year. Drop me a line and let me know if you plan to attend! If you would like to register your car, the fee is $20.00.

More Information: Moonlight Memories 2001

Registration Form: Available On-Line

Sponsored By: The Hatboro Chamber of Commerce
Information: call the Chamber of Commerce at 215-956-9540 or
                      email them at:


Indianapolis Mustang Club Annual Show June 29th Welcome bash... Show on July 30th & July 1st
Across from Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
Approx. 150 to 200 cars expected in attendance.
SVO class if I can get enough there!!!
500 Track tour on Sunday Swap meet, Raffles, Door prizes.
See details & get registration sheet at Or email me for more info.
Hope to see you there!!!!!!!!! (David Sloop)


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